Winston Calvert - St. Louis Missouri - Attorney, Lawyer, Communications and Public Relations Consultant

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St. Louis American Reports on Winston Calvert's Appointment to the Missouri Supreme Court Commission on Racial Fairness

The St. Louis American reported that the Chief Justice of the Missouri Supreme Court appointed Winston Calvert to the Commission on Racial and Ethnic Fairness.  In announcing the appointments, Chief Justice Breckenridge explained, "The commission is made up of attorneys and judges representing diverse experiences and viewpoints from across the state."  Other appointees from the St. Louis area include Salim Elias Awad, Susan Block, Winston Calvert, Gerard Carmody, Patrick Chavez, Keith Cheung, Gonzalo Fernandez, Erica L. Freeman, Sandra Hemphill, Levell D. Littleton, Annette Llewellyn, Susan McGraugh, Kimberly Norwood, Geetha Rao Sant, Booker T. Shaw, Annette Slack, Karen Tokarz, Lynn Ann Vogel and Michael L. Walton.